I love my dogs to death, but if I could get my Dottie to stop waking up in the middle of the night and walking all over my head to get to the water on my nightstand, I would wake up a much more rested, saner person. Does your chihuahua have a bad habit that you wish you could break?
Disney can certainly do better than this. I don’t think this trailer is going to get the general public to the box office, but I’m sure chihuahua fanatics like us and parents with small children will flock to see it no matter what. The song is kinda catchy…
My chihuahua goes to the bathroom and then steps in it. I drive my fiancee to work in the morning and leave her in the bathroom to do her business. I am only gone for about 45 minutes, so I thought what could be the worst thing that could happen. Well I came home and she had stepped in her poo and pee and was jumping all over my bathroom. There was poop everywhere, on my floor, toilet,walls and vanity. I couldn’t believe it she was running in it and she thought it was great. She is only 5 months old so i hope she grows out of it. Is that normal and how can I break the habit? We trained her to go on her pads which she is still learning, but she seems so excited after she just steps in it and not just once. More on How do I stop my chihuahua from stepping in her mess?
My husband and I recently got a long-haired Chihuahua. We really love him. He is so cute and he is such a good dog but he keeps chewing on his feet. He chews on them very hard and I don’t know if this is normal or not. Is this something that they do or is there something I can do to his paws or something I can put on his paws to stop him from doing this? More on How do I stop my chihuahua from chewing his paws?