This is why people should not breed chihuahuas
Pasadena Star News – “Having to put down a beloved pet is every master’s nightmare.
The Noriega family of Norwalk was faced last month with the cruel decision when their 5-year-old Chihuahua, Susie, had severe complications after giving birth to a stillborn puppy.
She was unable to deliver a second puppy, which became breached inside her.
“This is the first time we had a dog have puppies, so we didn’t know what to expect or how many she would have,” said Elizabeth Noriega, 21, as she held a trembling Susie Thursday at the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA).
Family members noticed Susie was not herself after the Jan. 23 birth, so they took her to a local vet.
That is when they were told another puppy, probably dead, was stuck inside Susie.”
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