Chihuahua Photos
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Mona Lisa Lazo
Mona Lisa Lazo
Age: one year old
Hometown: ozark, M.O.
Owner name(s): Karen Lazo
The name is Lisa, but to you it's YOUR MAJESTY. I was born April 18th 2007 making me one year and two months old. An Aries baby just like my daddy. I sleep on a pink queen sized canopy bed like the royalty that I am :). I was born to a very good breeder by the name of Annette in Ozark, M.O. on 40 acres of farmland and made it all the way to the glamorous city of new york just as soon as i could to be with my mommy Karen cuz she fell in love with me at first sight! What can I say, I'm a princess!! ? peace *