“Cutest Dog” winner donates $1million prize

Courtesy Ray Ng

Courtesy Ray Ng

Denver-area dermatologist Leslie Capin entered her 3-year-old chihuahua Dr. Papidies in the All American Pet Brands’ Cutest Dog Competition last fall with the intent of donating the money to charity.  She  launched an online campaign on Facebook and Twitter which helped Dr. Papides win the cash prize of $1 million.  Capin was overtaken by emotion when she found out they won in November, “I didn’t grow up with a lot of money — I had to work for everything I had — and then here I am close to the age of 56, in the position to give away a million.”  Capin set up a trust which will donate $33,000 for the next 29 years to shelters that Capin has chosen to help.  “Even if I change my mind in 10 years, I can’t get that money,” she says.

Congratulations Dr. Papidies for winning the “Cutest Dog” title, and thanks Dr. Capin for keeping your word!

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