How often should I give my chihuahua a bath?
My friend bathes her chihuahua once a week and I bathe mine a few times a year. Who’s right?
More on How often should I give my chihuahua a bath?
Posted by Cindy
My friend bathes her chihuahua once a week and I bathe mine a few times a year. Who’s right?
More on How often should I give my chihuahua a bath?
Posted by Cindy
I was petting my chihuahua the other day and noticed he had a lot of dandruff. He’s black so it’s very noticeable. Basically, there were white flakes everywhere. I tried brushing him but it just gets rid of some of it. How can I get rid of his dandruff?
More on My dog has dandruff, what do I do?
Posted by Cindy