Santino is doing great but, he has a biting problem right now. With strangers in the park or other people he doesn’t bite at all. But with me, he incessantly bites my hands and arms. I understand that he’s teething and I try to have him bite on his toy. But he prefers biting my hands. Any advice? More on My Chi is biting me all the time, what can I do?
Tags: Biting Posted by Cindy
My 6 month Chi likes to chew up anything paper. I try to put up everything I can to prevent him from doing this, but somehow he always finds something to get into. We’ve caught him in the act and told him “NO” and even put him in his kennel for a while, but nothing seems to work. What can I do to prevent this? More on Can I stop my chi from chewing on everything?
Tags: Biting,
Chihuahua Puppy Posted by Cindy
Hi my dog almost 2 months old. I know she is just a puppy but the biting us is killing me. We replace our hands or feet with a toy and tell her no but she goes right back to biting. Not only does it hurt but im afraid she is going to be aggressive to us and others and I want to avoid that. I would appreciate your advice.
More on How do I get my chihuahua puppy to stop biting?
Tags: Aggression,
Chihuahua Puppy,
Training Posted by Cindy